
Executive Advisory Board

The role of the GCEC Executive Advisory Board is to provide strategic input and direction for the GCEC in order to carry out the organization’s mission to promote the sharing of best practices and information about university entrepreneurship programs and networking among its members.


The GCEC scope is intended to cover all universities, whether large or small, private or public, and regardless of how long the entrepreneurship program has been established at the university. Our Advisory Board reflects this intent and enables us to have voices from different universities contributing to the vision and ensuring GCEC remains the premier university entrepreneurship conference in the world.


The foremost initiative of the GCEC is an annual conference to foster the mutual pursuit of excellence among university-based entrepreneurship centers all over the world over. The GCEC Executive Advisory Board sets the direction and provides input for the annual conference, including the host site selection, the program development, and other aspects.

Marwan Ayache

Marwan Ayache

Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship
Tim Barnes_2

Tim Barnes

Loughborough University London
Wendy Bolger

Wendy Bolger

Loyola University Maryland

Brad Burke

Rice University
FY18 Headshots

Jessica Cooley

University of St. Thomas

Rodney D'Souza

Texas Christian University
Monica Dean

Monica Dean

University of Southern California
Holly DeArmond

Holly DeArmond

(Ex-Officio) Executive Director, GCEC
Richard DeMartino

Richard DeMartino

Rochester Institute of Technology
Jerry Engel

Jerry Engel

University of California, Berkeley

Hayes Ferguson

Northwestern University

Mo Fong

Stanford University

Sarah Goforth

University of Arkansas

Johnetta Hardy

Bowie State University
Elissa Grossman

Elissa Grossman

Elaine Hagan UCLA

Elaine Hagan

Jeff Hornsby_1

Jeff Hornsby

University of Missouri - Kansas City
Sherry Hoskinson

Sherry Hoskinson

University of Arizona (formerly)
Gurpreet Jagpal

Gurpreet (Gups) Jagpal

University of Suffolk

Priscilla James

Baylor University
Don Kuratko

Don Kuratko

Indiana University
Bruce Leech

Bruce Leech

DePaul University
Leith Martin_2

Leith Martin


Jennifer E. Mathieu

University of Connecticut
Duncan Moore

Duncan Moore

University of Rochester
Mike Morris_2

Mike Morris

University of Notre Dame
Henry Mortimer_2

Henry Mortimer

University of Baltimore
Victor Padilla-Taylor

Victor Padilla-Taylor

Yale University
Rasmus Rahm_1

Rasmus Rahm

Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship
Jeff Reid_2

Jeff Reid

Georgetown University

Linda Ricchiuti

Arizona State University
Nik Rokop

Nik Rokop

Illinois Institute of Technology

Gregory Thomas

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Dianne Welsh

University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Rebecca White_1

Rebecca White

University of Tampa
Ted Zoller

Ted Zoller

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Emeritus Board Members

Kathleen Allen, PhD

Professor Emeritus of Entrepreneurship at the USC Marshall School of Business and Founder
USC Marshall Center for Technology Commercialization

Connie Bourassa-Shaw
University Washington

Elana Fine

University of Maryland (formerly)

Rudy Lamone

University of Maryland (In Memoriam)

Stan Mandel

Wake Forest University (retired)

Jerry White

SMU (retired)

Tom O’Malia

USC (In Memoriam)

Heidi Mergenthaler

University of Rochester

Kendall Artz

Baylor University

Linda Darragh

Northwestern University

Vickie Gibbs

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Tom Byers

Stanford University